The Mandela Washington Fellowship Association, Cameroon

YALI Anti-Corruption Project

Empowering Youth to Combat Corruption

Corruption remains one of Cameroonʼs most significant challenges, with billions lost annually to unethical practices. The YALI Anti-Corruption Project was designed to address this issue by fostering ethical leadership among youth. Through the establishment of Anti-Corruption Clubs in universities and secondary schools, coupled with nationwide sensitization campaigns, this project mobilized young people to recognize, resist, and act against corruption in their communities. A comprehensive Anti-Corruption Manual was also developed to provide youth with practical tools to identify and counter corruption effectively.


Raised awareness among over 1 million youths, empowering them to reject and denounce corruption.

Strengthened ethical leadership values through structured Anti-Corruption Clubs.

Provided communities with actionable tools to combat corruption at the grassroots level.

Key Highlights

Youth Reached: Over 1 million young people sensitized about the dangers of corruption.

Clubs Established: Anti-Corruption Clubs in 3 universities and 50 secondary schools.

Resources Distributed: 2,000 copies of the YALI Anti-Corruption Manual to civic clubs, libraries, and CSOs.

Awareness Campaigns: Conducted across schools and communities to incite action against corruption.


"This project taught us that corruption is not just a national issue but a personal responsibility. We now have the tools and confidence to stand against it."


Recent Activities

MWF Cameroon BootCamp
Alumni Symposium
YALI Impact Symposium
YALI Peace Campaign
ANti corruption Buea
YALI Anti-Corruption Project