Experience Sharing - South West

The event took place on May 25th, 2019 at the University of Buea premises. There was a welcome address from the representative of the American Corner, University Of Buea. Brochures containing the different US government Sponsored Programs were distributed amongst all participants who were 87 in total.

The first presentation was on all the different programs offered by the U. S. Government through the U. S. Embassy to Cameroonians. Including their various criteria, and mode of application. Then we had Experience Sharing Session by the team members who were alumni of the various programs. They shared with the audience on their experiences during and post program impacts and their stories of change. We later on initiated an ice breaker with the purpose of keeping the participants alert and attentive. During the ice breaker we also gave out candy to each one of the participants.

This was followed by a Presentation on Communication “How to make people love you”. This presentation was aimed at helping participants understand the right way of communicating and how to monitor the flow of information. It was an interactive session especially because the facilitator gave participants tasks and as well got contributions and feedback.

Thereafter we had another presentation on “Your Driving Force” with the aim of addressing Peer and societal pressures affecting young people, how to overcome them and how to walk in purpose. This presentation was geared towards helping participants understand how to use your time and efforts efficiently and to engage only in activities that foster learning and career development.

For feedback and follow up, we sent round mentorship forms for participants to fill, stating their programs of interest. Basically this action was to help them during their application process and how to get involved so as to get prepared for their interested programs.

We had a good turnout of 92 participants and positive feedback from the participants